Wednesday, June 1, 2011

The most Challenging/ Awkward moments in (every)ones life.

When the remote control is just about 3 inches away from the point beyond which you humanly cannot stretch your hand without having to move your upper body.
Now this is really interesting, because people (you know, you and I) would rather watch the most torturous show on TV or shiver the whole night than stretch a little to reach the remote and change the god damn channel or switch the god damn AC off.  

When you are watching a movie with a friend (same sex, opposite sex, same difference) and a love making scene pops up. *awkward (in a high pitch)*. If you look at it, your friend might think you're a pervert, so you start looking around, at the wall, the painting on the wall that you never understood anyway, your toenails, the bird shitting right outside your window, the curtains, the Patterns on the curtains, your friend (who might just be looking at you *awkward*) and when you run out of all the things to look at, you start with the most random conversations.
"So, what are your plans after this?"
"So, finance haan.."
"Hey have you visited that store down the street, it's Awesome"

So you are all set to go to sleep, tucked in your blankets, found that perfect resting position and BOOM! You forgot to switch the lights off! Now, if you have had siblings, this is the point where most of the premature sibling animosity begins. And if you are having a sleepover, this is point where the weakest (physically and mentally) friend is discovered. You know, for all the other sleepovers and plans that will follow, for the rest of their lives... no I am just kidding... (or am I?).

That awkward moment when an acquaintance falls down in a really crazy manner in public and you can't control your laughter..

The awkward moment when you are staring at a professor with a stern face while your mind is in a parallel universe (Narnia? Hogwarts?) and the professor asks for your opinion and you have nothing to say plus a really confused look (the kind that dogs(or babies?) would have when they walk into a new street) because let's face it, you probably wouldn't even know what lecture it is if the professor had a bag covering his face.

The time when your friends try to set you up with a complete moron and you really don't know what to do when you are left alone with him/ her. That happened to me once, and I passed my time thinking about all the swear words my friend was going to hear later when I see him. An even more awkward moment was the realisation that I knew so many swear words. *opens a page of The Economist to feel better*

The time when your relatives are leaving and they give you a present and BOOM!, it sucks and you have to act all excited. Or when they give you an envelope and BOOM! 100 bucks..

Someone waves at you, you wave back, you realise they weren't waving at you, you quickly shift your gaze by about 1 inch and there is nobody else on that side of the are waving at an empty car.. FAIL!

A really tanned person walks in to the room and you go, "Yo bitch you ORANGE!" in your head. And you let loose a laugh.. and then people stare at you and you say..  "It is hot outside, isn't it?" *erm..*

Tell me about your awkward/ Challenging moments! And here, not on Facebook!
Keep rocking ya'll!

P.S. What would be the only conversation between a rock and a ruler?
Ans: You rock, but I rule!

Gaah! Not funny at all!


Digvijay Desai said...

Oh My God!!!!!

Super hilarious!
And so true!


Vaibhav said...

Good one! Here's one which sometimes happened to me when I was a kid -

Some distant Uncle/Family friend visits to meet ur parents. Mom n dad introduce u to him and u exchange those mandatory pleasantries. Now they r conversing and u sit there pretending to listen while actually thinkin about ur crush in school (coz obviously u just can't get up n go immediately after exchanging pleasantries with him).

And here's when it turns worst!!!

Mom goes to kitchen to make tea, and dad's phone rings so he goes into the other room to talk, leaving you ALONE with him!

Uncle - So you are studying in which class?
Me - 7th std.
Uncle - Oh nice...and which school you go to?
Me - St johns.
Uncle - ur holidays are on what do u do during the day?
Me - Nothing much...just play n watch TV.
Uncle - U know, in case ur getting bored, u can try joining some hobby classes during ur vacations.
Me - Hmm...nice idea..
Uncle - *Smiles* (Now he has probably run out of small talk)
Me - Looks around at random things in the room...Impatiently waiting for mom/dad to return...

Avanika said...

Haha, yes, them I-really-don't-give-a-flying-rats-ass conversations Are really awkward!
Thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...

What about the times when u accidently touch other people in a crowded bus/ train. you should know what I am talking about having lived in mumbai city. ;)

Namit Sharma said...