Wednesday, March 30, 2011

How much is too much?

Is there really one person that you can talk to about everything? One person who will not judge you no matter what. One person who will know when to laugh a thing off and when to be serious.

I don’t think so. At least so far I don’t.

Can you really tell everything to the people you feel the closest to? Or are there always things that you are afraid to talk about. Because you are afraid they wouldn't understand and more often than not, they don’t. Is it really easier to talk to strangers about your biggest problems than to your friends?

I do believe that it is a lot easier to discuss critical issues with a stranger, since they do not know you, they haven’t seen you make mistakes in the past or they don’t know about how difficult or easy your life has been, they never judge you. And still they will give you the most honest reply as they do not care about pleasing you. And honestly, it’s a lot easier to shove a stranger who does not see your point than a friend who doesn't

How prepared can one really be to face a situation where the person they feel the closest to judges them and makes them feel small? We have all had the times when we know we shouldn't have let a secret out the moment the words leave our mouth. And then we sit there and watch them judge us and so not get our point. It's not like they are to be blamed for it. Everybody has a different way of looking at things, it's just how people handle their reactions. And more than anything, it's about how they make you feel about being emotionally open to them. Chances are your friend will laugh out loud, tell you that you are a stupid f*** and then say it's alright, you'll find a way, and just like that, you do. But chances also are that they will give you the classic 'I am so disappointed in you' look, and you not only have a problem, but you also have a friend that has no faith in you. And that sucks.

So really, even with your closest friends, how much is too much?

Saturday, March 26, 2011

The right choice?

Last night I was conversing with my friend who is in a very very bad situation. She thinks that she has the hots for two boys at the same time. I warned her that this might go on my blog, but not to worry since I barely know of 20 people who read it. : (

She warned me that if she reads her name anywhere, she will cut my hands off, regardless.

As she went on with her story, I wondered, is it really possible to like two people at the same time?

I am really not the person to say given I find it extremely difficult to like even one person, let alone two. But I am just a loser that way.

Anyway, it all started when she met this guy; let’s call him A, about 7 months ago. They have had the whole unverbalised-mutually understood-attraction thing going for almost 3 months now. It started to frustrate her as the guy never took the initiative to ask her out.

Meanwhile, she met this other guy to (in her words) get her mind off A. (Read: Make him jealous).

Note – I, being the good friend that I am, warned her to not do it, and she being the close friend that she is didn't listen and waited to get back to me after she screwed up.

Unfortunately for her, this other guy, let’s call him B turned out to be totally awesome.
And since the world is full of fools, the jealousy thing totally worked and A has suddenly started to *really care* about her. B continues to be nice, because well, he is nice.
Now she does not know what to do. She really likes the company of B, but is more romantically attracted to A. It’s the battle between the sweet guy and the cool guy again!

Poor thing, it’s like she opened a Pandora’s Box.

While she was telling me about it, the only thing going on in my head was is it really possible to like two people, so different from each other at the same time? Does this mean that there is really no ‘type’ for a person as we find ourselves falling for all kinds of people, the nice, the sweet, the cool, the good-looking, the funny et al?
That being said, how do we decide what’s the best kind for us. On what basis do we decide between two equals, good in their own way when our heart beats for both. Or is it simply a delusion and in our sub conscious mind we already know what we want, but we just don’t listen to it.  
Or is it because we know the right thing but favour the wrong?

I asked her, just to confirm, if she likes B out of guilt. She thought for a really long time before replying, "Oh crap.. No."

I told her, in that case, she's totally screwed. 

I don't know what she is going to do about it, and since I don't really know the guys, I am in no position to help either. 

I do know that the jealousy trick does you no good.

I will tell you when she makes up her mind. 

So long!

P.S. I won another competition, this time in Finance. : )

Friday, March 18, 2011

The generation gap.

I am really tired of people of generations before us (the aunts and uncles of our parents), calling us, "the spoiled ones".

Thank god for our parents to be the chain between us; separating the two!

I don't think there is anything wrong with the way we are, I really don't.

We do not discriminate on the basis of where one is coming from? What caste they belong to? How rich or poor they are?
We don't even Care to find out about all that. We do not live our lives like string puppets, with the society being the puppet master.

We are not brought up believing that girls need to be custom made to take care of the household and boys need to do a suitable 'respectable' job. We dare to think beyond doctors and engineers.

We do not judge a person based on whom they love. We don't care as long as they are happy and it does not hurt anybody.

We do not leave our friends when society goes against them. We stay right where we are and stare back at the society. We do not care if you think we are audacious.

So what if we party hard and go out! Don't we work as much? Aren't we doing well? Aren't we eager to earn our own money and spend that?

We do not care if someone is working in a food joint or if someone is working in a bank, we believe that work is work. Period.

And yes, we believe in knowing more about our life partners than getting to know what they look like on the night of our weddings.

Being in a relationship is bad, holding hands or kissing in public is bad but expecting a girl to have a child within a year of an arranged marriage is not?
Really now?

I hate it when the oldies back at my native place tell me how they (we) are superior because they (we) are Brahmins. I am the black sheep of the family just because I don't care that I am a Brahmin and I do not thank god for it, every living day of my life. I just thank god for my being.
What decides if a person is superior for the sensible folks of my generation is the nature of that person, the attitude, the qualification, the knowledge and not what caste he/she belongs to.

And yes, I am a girl, and I want to travel the world, meet new people, make my own money and start with something of my own. I have not planned my life around a marriage and I don't intend to.
And no, I will not settle unless I am completely sure, whether that's when I am 23 or 43. You think I am too bold, I think you don't have to live my life, so you are nobody to talk.

We believe in respecting the elders of the society. I look up to so many people. My grand father for one. He was the kindest, most modest and the most sensible human being that I have ever known of. And I love him. I remember him telling me, that no matter what the world says, pursue your dreams, listen to your parents but with time, you will be grown up enough to decide what's wrong and what's right. And when you know something is wrong, don't do it, and don't let anyone force you into doing it.

If only all of them thought that way. They have the wealth of information that could be more helpful to us than we realise. We need the knowledge and experience of the elders to not make a mistake that could be avoided. But does that mean that we should be stopped from making our own experiences?
It is OKAY to make mistakes as long as we learn from them.
It is OKAY to try something new, for all we know, there might just be the most incredible thing at the end of the tunnel.
It is OKAY to have an opinion.
It is OKAY to not do something against your principles because the society wants you to.
And most importantly, it is OKAY to have your own set of principles because everyone is different and we must respect that.

I am not saying my generation is perfect, we are flawed, all of us. But not because we don't think like we are expected to. That's just not fair.

Because if we did, 46.65% of the country would have been unemployed only because they belong to the fair sex.
There would have been no writers, artists, photographers etc. Just doctors, engineers and politicians.

People would have been discriminated against and half the nation would have lived with guilt and vengeance.

Believe it or not, but I think we are doing just fine to move forward in a brighter, more honest manner.
And I am sure that even in difficult times, we'll find new ways and sail through, because we can.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

So, Yay!

I was dying to get a nice animal print hand bag, a nice pair of wayfarers and a nice pair of stilettos.

Oh wait, my sister already brought 'em for me.

Hah! Burn ya'll!

: D

P.S. I am really excited right about now yeah.