Sunday, August 22, 2010

This post is Important. This post is (almost) necessary.
I am going to list down what people deduce about me, before they have an actual conversation with me.

And I am going to defend myself, Yes, sir, I will!

1. I have a lot of Attitude problem / Superiority complex.
False. I do not have a superiority complex. I have a face that reflects it. So unless I get a plastic surgery done(and I am going to no extremes, unless of course, absolutely necessary), there is nothing that I can really do about it.

2. I have a lot of ego.
True. I will not fight that.

3. I am very unapproachable.
False. Then again, it's just the face people. I will not beat you to death if you walk up to me and try to have a conversation. In fact, I talk a lot. But you will need the courage to deal with my expression (which is usually, a big blank straight face).

4. I never initiate a conversation.
True, in case of boys. False, in case of girls. I am not a hypocrite, I just don't like to walk upto a guy and start talking to him, at most times.

5. I will disregard them, if I think they are not cool enough.
F.A.L.S.E. I don't judge people by the way they look, no matter what kind of vibes they get from me. Everyone is cool, no-one is cooler than the others, when I don't know any of them.

6. I am rude.
True. I can't beat around the bush, I can't flatter people unnecessarily, I am critical, and I am a no nonsense person. How can I Not be rude?

7. I might insult you, if you try to talk to me.
False. I don't do that. Period.

8. I will not be nice to girls.
This just cracks me. It is true that I usually have more guy-friends which is because I have nothing to contribute to a 'girly' conversation, but that does not mean that I can not be friends with them. Most of my closest friends are girls. And they are strong willed women. Coz that's how I like it. : )

9. I am a mean person.
Unsure. I am not intentionally mean, I am honest and rude, of course. So, I really can't say whether or not I draw a line when required.

10. I am highly opinionated.
True. No arguments.

So,if you see me, talk to me, before you judge me and have shit rocking your pants.

You'd be surprised, I might not be half the bitch you think I am.

P.S. Vishal and Aditya - I hope you agree. You both have contributed a lot to this post.

Vishal, who thought I would sit by myself during lunch because I thought the others weren't cool enough. :D
Aditya, who thought I would tell him "Don't talk to me" if he tried to have a conversation. :D




Unknown said...

finally i read it.. really it was great ice breaking session..
n ya i completely agree to wateva u hav wriiten..
wat better day to comment on his post..happy budday gul..
way to go..

Avanika said...

Aw, haha.