Thursday, January 27, 2011


I am in Love with this song called Bloodstream by Stateless. You should listen to it to.

You can download it from here.
See, I gave you the link also, I am good that way. : D

Also, all those who read this post, please feel free to suggest good music. Of any kind, of all kinds.


Thursday, January 20, 2011

The Bestie Code 2

In continuation to

Article B: On matters relating to sharing behavior.
Section 1:
(i) A bestie must at all times agree to share clothes, unless befitting the cloth involves use of extreme physical force.

(ii) A bestie may or may not use the larger feet advantage of her bestie to loosen her shoes.

(iii) A bestie must not expect a share in food items.

(iv) With reference to subsection (iii), a bestie, however, is allowed to steal from the plate of her bestie in case of the absence of her bestie. Such behavior is not punishable.

(v) A bestie must not share items that are personal to her bestie without her consent.

(vi) A bestie must not counterfeit the fad of her bestie. In case of actions such as colouring hair, straightening hair, piercing et al, a bestie must wait at least 1 month before trying the same, so as to let her bestie bask in her glory.

(vii)  A bestie must never, ever think of sharing the guy of her bestie. 'Guy' can be defined as the likes of  current boyfriend, ex-boyfriend, prospective boyfriend or a crush. Such behavior is regarded as unethical and can lead to the dissolution of 'bestie-ship'

(viii) In case of breach of the above rule, a former bestie is allowed to use violence.

(ix) A bestie must always protect her bestie's interest, and therefore if she finds someone wearing the same dress/shoe as her bestie, she must attempt to burn it at least one time.

Watch this space for:
Article C: On matters relating to Personal Relationships. 

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

I detest people who although born and brought up (to a good age of 20-22) in India, fly off to other countries and then start to act like that's their home in just a months time and presume that they have suddenly acquired the rights to talk Shit about India.

No, seriously. You couldn't get into a decent university here, you go to the U.K., you are an engineer, you fly off to the U.S., that is acceptable, but you sit there like you are sitting on a high pedestal and start to talk rubbish about my darling country and Mumbai city, it's then that you piss me off.

I have no issues with people going abroad, but you left your country, and with that you lost whatever right you had on it. It's like telling your awesome ex that you don't like what she's wearing. Here's the thing - She does not care, and you are the loser who needs to mind his own business.

People who start to act like strangers in a new land when they get back to their home country and throw tantrums all around, seriously, get a life.

Also some sense of relatedness and shame, if I may say, while you are at it.

: |

'D' Day.

Our semester 1 results are out. I passed in all the subjects. (Yaay!) But that's not what this post is about.

Remember the open houses in school? Where we used to be terrified about our parents coming in to the school and the report card being given in front of our classmates (about 30 of them, and there was no compulsion to tell them the marks).

Yeah, so here's how we got our results in college today.

In the auditorium. 240 students. Entire faculty (almost).
That's right.

It began with the statistics (We have managed to bag the 'worst performance amongst all the batches' award. Yes, all that hard work and dedication finally paid off! : D Shameless, no?)

And then the number of failures in each and every subject in each and every division was announced, followed by announcing the toppers.

Ashish Borar stood first, indisputably. I am glad, he deserved it.

And then the names of all the students who had passed were announced. The rest were asked to stay back and then they were dealt with personally by the director in his cabin.

And you thought open houses were scary.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

What a day! : )

The first three days of the year had brought nothing but bad news to me, and just when I was about to go in the "holy shit, this year's gonna suck" mode I found my redemption.

Now I know you are not interested in the kind of day I had, but bear with me no? Please? 

So, Sybil and I won the Inter-Management Institute Presentation Contest conducted by the Forum of Free Enterprise in collaboration with Central Bank of India. Good stuff.
*smug look*
Clap? No? Okay.

I slept like a squirrel the rest of the day (which is awesome because I am always in college during the day!), went for a happy-birthday party in the night and then caught up with an old friend that I have been meaning to meet for quite a while now.

Perfect end to a perfect day. And now I am going to put on my socks and curl up in my blanket.

Night all.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

The Bestie Code 1

A Bestie is a girl-friend who stands by you every time, makes sure you look fabulous on your worst days, abuses anybody who harms you and never says no to the holy act of shopping.

Article A - On matters relating to Purchase Behavior.
Section 1:
(i) A bestie must at all times say 'Yes' to the question, "You in for shopping?"

(ii) A bestie must never:
        (a) purchase an item that her bestie desired;
        (b) do an activity, that her bestie has done, is doing, or is about to do
              without prior notice or acknowledgement.

(iii) A bestie must, at all times, be honest about the appearance of her bestie (preferably in a subtle manner) when she (her bestie) is about to step out for something important.

(iv) A bestie must always stop her bestie from spending preposterous amount of money on something that she will never use (incorporation of violence under absolutely necessary conditions, is permitted).

(v) With reference to subsection (iv), a bestie must also always chip in (when backed with the monetary ability to do so) in the purchase of something that is fabulous, even if ridiculously priced.

(vi) A bestie must weigh all the pros and cons of the following:
a. Hair-Styles
b. Hair- Colours
c. Any other form of (an almost) permanent change of such kind.

(vii) A bestie must, under all circumstances, inform her bestie about an incredible sale regardless the time or  network availability.

(viii) In the absence of her, a bestie must always pick up items that will rock her bestie's dress.

Watch this space for:
Article B: On matters relating to Sharing Behavior.