Thursday, December 22, 2011


There is nothing worse than labelling a person. The problem with labels is that they put people in a bracket of assumptions, in a shell that they can't get out of. Labels are an outcome of ignorance. When something is beyond your understanding, how much easier is it to simply label the person than to find out why that person acts in a certain manner. It is the easy way out. And that is exactly why I dislike it. Once you label a person, nobody cares about the evidence of its validity. When you label a person, you scuff away any opportunity for them to rise above the expectation. If a woman is disgusted by a 'Woman in the kitchen' joke, she's a feminist; if a straight lady has gay friends, she's a fag-hag; if a person does not involve in outrageous acts, he's a loser; if a girl does not kiss on her 3rd date, she's a prude, if she dates a lot of men, she's a slut; if a man does not make a move on the first date, he's a coward.

How can we describe a person in just one word? People are complex, multifaceted. When you label a jar, you are preventing yourself from seeing a part of its contents. Likewise, when you label a person, you are only trying to find a way to not see the side of the person that contradicts your preconceived opinion. Because that takes you out of your comfort zone. It's a way to 'describe' a person in the manner that suits you best. How is that fair? 

Why assume there's only so much to a person? Why not take a chance and find out more? Why not remember, that everyone has the right to be exactly who they are?

Assume nothing. Labels are for objects, not people. 


Vinay Krishnan said...

I love this piece...And I wasn't really aware you write these kinda stuff too...
Guess its gonna be a long night for me...:)

Avanika said...

Well, I am glad. : )

Vinay said...

Nice :)