Thursday, April 28, 2011


I met a really old friend yesterday. Now this girl used to be healthy alright, and the last time I met her (which was two years ago) she was chubby, in a good way.

But yesterday, yesterday she looked like a stick. Almost unhealthy, in a manner of speaking. My first reaction was, "Whoa! Where did you go?!"
And her reply to my question was without a doubt one of the most disturbing thing I had heard in a very long time.

"Dude, my friends, who smoked told me that it helps lose weight. I really wanted to lose weight too, so I started smoking. It's cool actually, I am so addicted! And see how much weight I lost! Here, you want a drag?"

"No", I said. Fat or no fat, that is one path I am never taking.

As I walked away, I realised the extent to which people will go to lose weight these days. It was sad, to be honest. This girl, she used to be cool. It's hard to say what went wrong. Being healthy is one thing, but this is another. People, really?

I have a feeling I wouldn't be as excited to meet her the next time as I was yesterday.


Scribblers Inc said...

Its really sad the things people are turning to for social acceptance(really?). I am glad I am still off the death stick; hopefully I would never get on it...Ever.

Nice lil blog; here for the first time. Rest assured that this is the only blog Ever with a mention of Stock Trading I have come across!

Scribblers Inc. :)

Avanika said...

I agree. It really Was sad to hear it. Well, it's good to hear that there are folks who do not wish to amalgamate (for the lack of better word) with the crowd.

And oh, thank you for your wishes.
: )