Tuesday, January 4, 2011

What a day! : )

The first three days of the year had brought nothing but bad news to me, and just when I was about to go in the "holy shit, this year's gonna suck" mode I found my redemption.

Now I know you are not interested in the kind of day I had, but bear with me no? Please? 

So, Sybil and I won the Inter-Management Institute Presentation Contest conducted by the Forum of Free Enterprise in collaboration with Central Bank of India. Good stuff.
*smug look*
Clap? No? Okay.

I slept like a squirrel the rest of the day (which is awesome because I am always in college during the day!), went for a happy-birthday party in the night and then caught up with an old friend that I have been meaning to meet for quite a while now.

Perfect end to a perfect day. And now I am going to put on my socks and curl up in my blanket.

Night all.


parfumi said...

He he he.....cool

Anonymous said...

You had a good day eh?