Sunday, February 14, 2010

Them Idiots #2!

Here is what men look for in their lady-love:
1. Should have a sexy body
1. Should have a warm smile
1. Should not ask questions
1. Should not demand too much
1. Should have Just the right amount of make up on
1. Should not even as much as Look at other men
1. Must be well spoken
1. Should be able to talk about almost everything
1. Should be hotter than their friends' girlfriends
1. Must cook like their mother
1. Should be open minded, and when the lady does get open minded, *OMG! My girl is a slut!*
1. Should dress well, almost always.
1. Should Not put on weight.

Here's what women want in their Love.
1. Chew with your mouth shut and don't fart in public.

Now here's the irony.
1. Tend to gain weight all the time, given that they eat like a cow.
1. Warm smile, sure, just without stuff in your mouth.
1. Wants to know where their girl is, almost all the time! The one's that say they don't are pathetic liars.
1. Don't even care to shave at most times. So much for the right make-up.
1. Will stare and even flirt with every second woman that crosses their path.
1. "You want a hottie huh? SLUT!"
1. Can Only talk about sports and money, at times, Not even that.
1. Would have Never in their lives helped their mothers cook, or have done Any chore for that matter.
1. Are hypocrites, they say, tell us what you want, and when you do speak out, my god, look at you! You demanding bitch!
1. 'We can't think emotionally', whatever happens to That when they over think and get jealous on almost everything.
1. Believe that when they talk share markets, women don't understand. They don't realise:
a. We probably know more than you. But we listen.
b. We don't want to rip you off your manhood.

And they still won't chew with their mouths closed and fart in public, because they are men! And that's the way the cookie crumbles for them. Take it or leave it.

When they say they want space, it's because we do not let them live in solitude. It's our fault.
When we say we want space, they get drunk and make out with other women. "You said you wanted space! It's all your fault"

And THEN, they will talk about how woman are confusing, and how woman are demanding.
Here's the deal big boys, We are not confused, You are weird. We just try to catch up and deal with it.

P.S. All the points are marked '1.' on purpose.


Kick Ass Dude said...

Im sure someone farted next to you today and u decided to take it out on your post :P

JKapoor said...

i love the POST!!!

Mihir Pathare said...

Awww... you poor fractured little puppy... :(


Avanika said...

Ishan- Guys fart in public, which is Very retatrded. Period.
Juhi- Thank you. :)
Mihir- I am assuming this is, in a manner, accepting what I wrote.

Unknown said...

Well I dunno about Mihir, but at the end of the day, you end up being a sucker for one of us... so I guess that puts the lid on the matter. :D

Avanika said...

'You end up being a sucker for one of us'?
Really, what kind of a sad calibre of women have you come across? I feel for you buddy, sorry.

Smriti said...

This is so bloody true!