To all those people who stood by me, bore my mood swings and bitch-fits, kept me strong and made me smile:
Thank you, I promise to be by your side too, keep you strong, fight for your happiness and call/message back more often.
To all those who pissed me off and took me for granted:
Okay then, Fuck You. I am done. I am gone.
Have a Happy New Year, everybody!
: )
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Monday, December 27, 2010
I have read so many posts about folks my age complaining how their moms just don't GET them. My mom doesn't get me all the time either, I am not allowed to go out of station without at least one elder person, I am not exactly allowed to go clubbing (which works wonderfully, given that I detest the idea of clubbing. Drunk people thrashing around like a pair of eels in a closed dark place. Ew.) and we have our fair share of heated arguments.
That being said, I can't miss onto the billion things that she has done for me.
She wasn't brought up in Mumbai city like me, neither did she live the kind of life that I live. Although she heads from a very good family and has had her own share of fun, it's still Nothing like the fun that I have.
I always tell her that she can not compare my life with hers. And then I feel the lowest that I possibly can.
I Love my mom. I really do.
And here's why.
She lets me party with my friends, she lets me stay out till 11, 12 even, she has always held my back with dad, she has never stopped me from staying over at a friend's place and I am pretty sure the concept of a stay over did not exist when she was my age.
She did not react much when I told her that the guys in my group drink every now and then, she has never stopped me from being with them because she knows they are nice, no judgement, she lets me have my guy friends over, she will even make sure they have something to eat (aww..).
She keeps a calm face when I unload tales of my crushes (which aren't too many to begin with). She knows Everything that goes on in my life, and she keeps my secrets in her heart.
Mom and dad had an arranged marriage, and since the day of her wedding, she has given her 100% to this family, she is a typical Indian housewife, a home-maker, as I like to call her. And yet, she gives me the freedom to chose who I want to be with, and she shoves any discussions of my marriage aside adding that I have a career to make first.
My mom is a PhD. If I could be half as intelligent as she is, I can go places. But she gave it all up to raise me.
She makes coffee for me at 1 in the night when I am studying.
She wakes me up with a tea next to my bed.
She cooks everything that I like.
She goes on high alert with just a cough from me.
She irons my clothes before I go to college.
She never worries about me with a guy.
She respects my privacy.
She covers me up when I don't even realise I needed it.
She is a beautiful person, she makes me proud and she makes me love her. : )
And that's why she's the single most amazing person ever.
They all are.
Now, if only I could get my bum off this chair and tell Her all this. : D
Monday, December 20, 2010
Oh, for the love of footwear!
I am really tired of all this nonsense about girls being complicated and moody. I mean, Seriously?
Leave a girl alone to shop with a debit card in her hand and she does not give a Damn about what you said, what you did or didn't do, for that matter.
The world around us dissolves and all that we can see are those pair of amazing shoes or that beautiful dress. We are as good as an eight year old in a candy shop.
I speak for every girl on this planet when I say, we love clothes, we love shoes and we love bags. And there is not a flying rat's chance in hell for anybody to tweak that!
I, for example was having a bad day, till I lay my eyes on these:
Gorgeous, aren't they?
Obviously I bought them. And No, I don't care if my shoe-board is overflowing, I will always find space for more.
So long!
Leave a girl alone to shop with a debit card in her hand and she does not give a Damn about what you said, what you did or didn't do, for that matter.
The world around us dissolves and all that we can see are those pair of amazing shoes or that beautiful dress. We are as good as an eight year old in a candy shop.
I speak for every girl on this planet when I say, we love clothes, we love shoes and we love bags. And there is not a flying rat's chance in hell for anybody to tweak that!
I, for example was having a bad day, till I lay my eyes on these:
Gorgeous, aren't they?
Obviously I bought them. And No, I don't care if my shoe-board is overflowing, I will always find space for more.
So long!
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Yeah.. remember that time (about a couple of hours ago) when I said I am going to keep this blog girly. I have a feeling that's about to go to hell.
Now, for all my friends who have been complaining about my blog being, well..suddenly very girly, here's why.
Last to last template - Awesome, but made things difficult to read. Sheh!
The template after that - People assumed I was a boy. When I had a picture of me on. *awkward silence*
Hence this template. Pink BG, birds and weird patterns. I have made my point.
I am going to have it on for at least a week!
At least I will try my best to.
Now, for all my friends who have been complaining about my blog being, well..suddenly very girly, here's why.
Last to last template - Awesome, but made things difficult to read. Sheh!
The template after that - People assumed I was a boy. When I had a picture of me on. *awkward silence*
Hence this template. Pink BG, birds and weird patterns. I have made my point.
I am going to have it on for at least a week!
At least I will try my best to.
For starters, I have made this blog as girly as I could.
I am on a mission to prove to the world that I may not act, jump, laugh or hit like one, but that does not make me any less of a girl.
And No, I was not walking like Aishwarya Rai Bachchan from the Lóreal ad while writing the "I am on a mission part" above. That ad was plain.. how do I put this delicately .. RETARDED. Thank heavens for the new ad.
You can watch the old one here:
See my point?
Which brings us to this post. I have a unique inability to stop my mind from wandering. And I have some of the most hilarious visions in my head while keeping a blank face on. I am going to list down a few.
I am on a mission to prove to the world that I may not act, jump, laugh or hit like one, but that does not make me any less of a girl.
And No, I was not walking like Aishwarya Rai Bachchan from the Lóreal ad while writing the "I am on a mission part" above. That ad was plain.. how do I put this delicately .. RETARDED. Thank heavens for the new ad.
You can watch the old one here:
See my point?
Which brings us to this post. I have a unique inability to stop my mind from wandering. And I have some of the most hilarious visions in my head while keeping a blank face on. I am going to list down a few.
The head of one of my professor looks like a butterfly from the back. (True story). More often than not, I have an image of his hair leaving his head and flying away like a butterfly. Literally. : D
At times when I am watching a romantic movie (they don't go down too well with me) I have the image of one of the characters shooting the other right in the head for being so effing cheesy.
Every time someone hurts their foot/leg, I almost invariably have the image of them doing the "Thriller" dance. That is beyond weird, I know. And that someone can also be a really old/overweight lady.
Every time I hear a good news, I start doing the MC Hammer dance in my head. Oh no wait, I actually do that. My bad. : D
Ooh, there are times when I am like, Really pissed off on somebody, I might have a calm blank face on but in my head, I picture his/her head exploding.
This one time, while shopping at Hill Road, Bandra, my friends and I were going through the tees in a stall. And I swear to god, they were so bad I wanted to burn them all. Plus I was rather tired that day. I was smiling at the stall owner while in my head I had an image of me picking up the stall and throwing it away, Hulk style.
When I reach the last bit of Maggi, I always wonder how cool would it be if I had that Yudhistir's plate from Mahabaharta that refills on its own.
Hmm... I think the rest are just Way too weird for me to share.
: D
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Quotable Quotes from my Life.
Quotable quotes from my life:
Ismail - Dude, I am hungry, kuch khane ko lana.
Me (A) - Ek spoon le and eat your ass.
Ismail - You know, I will make the best sandwich In the World and name it after you. I’ll call it, ’The Bitch-Burger’
Eshank - Dude, any guy who has a crush on you should talk to you for five minutes and he wont ask you out.
A - Haw, That bad?
Eshank - No, it's just that you will have such a big "F*CK OFF." written all over your face, he wouldn't have the guts to.
(Facebook conversation)
Moushami - You look so cute avanika :)
A - Thank you. *blush*. That candy floss Sucked BTW.
Moushami - aww..haha :) As long as u look like a cute candy with the candy floss!
A - hhahahahahahahahaa! So you realised how weird that sounded haan! Lol, dude!
Moushami - omg... bahahahaaaaa!!!
A - I So wish I was dusky instead!
Sunny - Tsk tsk, my melanin deficient buddy, what you need is a tan or finding comfort in your skin (literally).
A - "melanin deficient buddy". Hahahahaha.
A - It's my birthday next!!!! Yesssssssssssss!!!!!!!!!!!
Neha - Good lord woman, you will be 22.
A - I know!!!!!!!!!!!! Budday cap and Budday cake!!!! YAAAAAAAAAAAAYY!!!!
Neha - :/
A - *dances* Budday! Budday! BUDDAY!!!
Neha - :/
A - Yess! YESSSSSS!!!
Neha - Avi, you are a freak.
(Varun went out of scene for a very long time, no calls, no messages, nothing)
A- Yaar, tune desh chod diya bataya nahi.
Varun- Haan yaar, kya batun, is desh mein rakha kya hai mere liye. Kaun hai mera yahaan??
A- Paka mat chal.
Varun- Chalu kisne kiya. :/
Kushi - Nobody cares about me, nobody loves me, I am crying, nobody sees my tears.
A- :/
Kushi - See, you are giving me a face, even you don’t care about me
A- :/
Kushi- I have nothing left in the world to do, sob sob sob.. I wrote sob thrice.. And Still nobody cares
A- :/
Kushi- Dude, I am really bored.
A- I figured.
Alkash (to me)- Aur gabbar, kaisa chal raha hai tera samrajya??
A- Dude, you are my buddy, you know that right?
Neha- Huh? What happened to you?! Bol kis Ch***** ki chita jalane ka time aaya hai!
A - Wait, what!? *rofl*
A- She asked him to suggest her a gift for Valentines. I asked her to get a one tetra byte HDD and a graphic card. What do you think?
Pavan- You know Avan, it’s not that you are Romantically challenged, you are romantically Paralyzed. :\
A- Please, I am more subtle than I have ever been these days.
Sunny - Subtle and you? Please, that's like an elephant trying to look dainty by wearing a tutu.
Ismail - Did you finish that file for me?
A - I have Alzheimer, I don’t remember who you are and what you wanted.
A- Dude. :/
Neha- I know. :/
A- Lame joke tha woh. Rona aa raha hai mujhe.
Varun - Achcha! Mera goo, goo aur tera goo gulkand!
A- Wait, what!
A - Paka mat chal.
Sooraj - Arrey nahi nahi, milunga main tujhe, haath mein Gulab ka phool liye, kamar lachkate, sharmate, hahahahaha, ULTI ki hogi na tune abhi abhi.
Ismail - Whoaa! Did you get a plastic surgery?
A- I am assuming by that you mean I am looking good today.
Ismail - No, I am just asking, did you get a plastic surgery?
A- I am not all that ugly on a usual day you know!
Ismail - I am just asking, did you get a plastic surgery?
A - Well, what can I say, thanks, I guess.
Ismail - No, did you get a plastic surgery?
A- God NO! Stop f**king my brain!
Ismail - Too bad. You should. *XD*
A- :/
A- The weather is so damn awesome today! It’s drizzling, and cold! And it must be breezing like hell at Marine line, so OBVIOUSLY I won’t get a break from work and will be inside the whole day!!!
Neha - There There.
Papa- Tumhari badi dadagiri hai ghar mein haan?
A- Yeh mere BAAP ka ghar hai! Kaun mera kya bigaad lega!?
Papa- :/
A- heheheehhe. *runs inside*
A- (at 2 pm) Dude there is a match today, aaj office ke baad let’s go to Sports Bar.
(at 7 pm) Yaay, my work is done, I am leaving.
Ismail- Huh? What about the Sports Bar plan?
A- Screw that.
Ismail- Yeh tu soye hue sher ko chimti kaatke bhaaga mat kiya kar!!
A- Dude, how was your paper?
Sooraj- It was bad yeah. It was like getting laid without any feelings.
A - So here’s the joke, Commode mein dekha maine behta hua go.. Commode mein dekha maine behta hua goo.. Goo se yaad aaya, yaar kaisi hai tu?
Haan? Haaan? Funny right!
Neha- :/
Kushi- :/
A- Laugh bitches LAUGH!
Neha- :/
Kushi - F**k off.
A- :(
Ismail - So there, that’s my plan. Now what do you have to say about it Miss ‘I have an opinion on everything’?
A - I am not clear if that’s a good thing when you say it like that.
Ismail - Oh alright, alright, let me put it this way, what do you have to say about it you painfully high opinionated bitch?
A - Hmm. Thanks for clearing that up yeah. But Nice try. Gaah! So I think.. :D
Nimish - Pata hai jab hum dono ki shaadi ho jayegi toh ek din we’ll run into each other and I’ll ask you, yeh Navratna tel kiske liye hain? And you will reply, for my husband, he has suddenly gone bald after our marriage.
A - Hmm.. Aur main bolungi, chuck that yeah, tu bata, bhabhi kaisi hain? And you will reply, She is in Coma.
Both- :/
Kushi- Dude, I saw this TV sky ad today. Lol Lol. It was dubbed in Hindi. It goes like this.
“Hi! Mera naam hai Randy”
Nimish, Sneha, Me - *Paaahahahahahahahahahahhahaha*
A - I got a new system!! 21” screen, 500 GB internal memory, 4GB Ram, core to duo processor, Graphic card, wireless mouse and keyboard. Yaay!
Siddharth - Great. Ab nariyal phod uspe.
*phone rings*
A- Hello?
D**** - Hey, D**** here, Ismail said you wanted me to call you..
(Now, FYI, this fellow, I am just going to call him D, is Ismail’s friend and he is an A**HOLE. Male chauvinist pig, passes comments on girls, and all that he can talk about is money. In short, perfect e.g. of a guy that I LOATHE. Like if someone asks me, what category of guys make you want to throw up?, I will say the D category.)
- Next day-
Ismail - Hey.. You got a hard board?
A- Yeah, that’s for you, save your face! You are about to feel some pain!
Ismail - What, why?
A - So D called, said you told him I wanted him to call me, also, that I couldn’t STOP talking about him and his BODY after we met. He asked me if I maybe wanted to go out with him sometime.
Ismail - *rofl* I was really bored. :D
*multiple punches*
A- You-son-of-a-!
A- Yo! Got to hear this at work today, inside news, Ranbir and Deepika broke up.
Kushi- Yeah, I knew about it.
A- Huh? You did?!
Kushi - Yeah, I met Ranbir yesterday, he was telling me, I can’t do without you Kushi, I am madly in love with you..I can leave the world for you.. Yeh ladka bhi na. Tch”.
A- :/
Kushi- :D
Anurag - I wrote a short story, you want to hear?
A - No.
Anurag- It’s called, ‘If pigs could fly’
A- Wait What! *rofl*
A - Papa, I have to go out, thode paise do na.
Papa - Yeh lo paanch rupaye, jaao aish karo.
A - :/
Papa - :D
A - :/
Papa - :D
A -:/
Papa - Oh alright! How much do you need?
A - You know what, I am not gonna speak with you now.
Ismail - Haha, Yes!
(after five minues)
Ismail - Okay, enough already. Talk now.
I will let you punch me and I won’t punch you back.
I will do your work..
(long breath) I will listen to your jokes, and Laugh.
A - Yeah, so I was saying.. :D
A- I will ride this Damn bike today come what may!!!
Rohan - Please god, please get me out of this alive.
A- Sunny, I am a girl! Give me some credit!
Sunny- No you are not! You are just the gayest guy ever!
Ismail - So you think she likes me?
A - Dude, yeah! She was all Over you! She was like the moss and you were the stone!
Ismail - You are sick. BTW, I know she likes me, I wanted you to see how she gets all over me. Hehehe.
A - It’s funny when you call ME sick.
Ismail (Super duper high) - Dude, I wrote a song for you, long time back actually, never really got around to singing it out loud.
More to come, as I remember them.
Ismail - Dude, I am hungry, kuch khane ko lana.
Me (A) - Ek spoon le and eat your ass.
Ismail - You know, I will make the best sandwich In the World and name it after you. I’ll call it, ’The Bitch-Burger’
Eshank - Dude, any guy who has a crush on you should talk to you for five minutes and he wont ask you out.
A - Haw, That bad?
Eshank - No, it's just that you will have such a big "F*CK OFF." written all over your face, he wouldn't have the guts to.
(Facebook conversation)
Moushami - You look so cute avanika :)
A - Thank you. *blush*. That candy floss Sucked BTW.
Moushami - aww..haha :) As long as u look like a cute candy with the candy floss!
A - hhahahahahahahahaa! So you realised how weird that sounded haan! Lol, dude!
Moushami - omg... bahahahaaaaa!!!
A - I So wish I was dusky instead!
Sunny - Tsk tsk, my melanin deficient buddy, what you need is a tan or finding comfort in your skin (literally).
A - "melanin deficient buddy". Hahahahaha.
A - It's my birthday next!!!! Yesssssssssssss!!!!!!!!!!!
Neha - Good lord woman, you will be 22.
A - I know!!!!!!!!!!!! Budday cap and Budday cake!!!! YAAAAAAAAAAAAYY!!!!
Neha - :/
A - *dances* Budday! Budday! BUDDAY!!!
Neha - :/
A - Yess! YESSSSSS!!!
Neha - Avi, you are a freak.
(Varun went out of scene for a very long time, no calls, no messages, nothing)
A- Yaar, tune desh chod diya bataya nahi.
Varun- Haan yaar, kya batun, is desh mein rakha kya hai mere liye. Kaun hai mera yahaan??
A- Paka mat chal.
Varun- Chalu kisne kiya. :/
Kushi - Nobody cares about me, nobody loves me, I am crying, nobody sees my tears.
A- :/
Kushi - See, you are giving me a face, even you don’t care about me
A- :/
Kushi- I have nothing left in the world to do, sob sob sob.. I wrote sob thrice.. And Still nobody cares
A- :/
Kushi- Dude, I am really bored.
A- I figured.
Alkash (to me)- Aur gabbar, kaisa chal raha hai tera samrajya??
A- Dude, you are my buddy, you know that right?
Neha- Huh? What happened to you?! Bol kis Ch***** ki chita jalane ka time aaya hai!
A - Wait, what!? *rofl*
A- She asked him to suggest her a gift for Valentines. I asked her to get a one tetra byte HDD and a graphic card. What do you think?
Pavan- You know Avan, it’s not that you are Romantically challenged, you are romantically Paralyzed. :\
A- Please, I am more subtle than I have ever been these days.
Sunny - Subtle and you? Please, that's like an elephant trying to look dainty by wearing a tutu.
Ismail - Did you finish that file for me?
A - I have Alzheimer, I don’t remember who you are and what you wanted.
A- Dude. :/
Neha- I know. :/
A- Lame joke tha woh. Rona aa raha hai mujhe.
Varun - Achcha! Mera goo, goo aur tera goo gulkand!
A- Wait, what!
A - Paka mat chal.
Sooraj - Arrey nahi nahi, milunga main tujhe, haath mein Gulab ka phool liye, kamar lachkate, sharmate, hahahahaha, ULTI ki hogi na tune abhi abhi.
Ismail - Whoaa! Did you get a plastic surgery?
A- I am assuming by that you mean I am looking good today.
Ismail - No, I am just asking, did you get a plastic surgery?
A- I am not all that ugly on a usual day you know!
Ismail - I am just asking, did you get a plastic surgery?
A - Well, what can I say, thanks, I guess.
Ismail - No, did you get a plastic surgery?
A- God NO! Stop f**king my brain!
Ismail - Too bad. You should. *XD*
A- :/
A- The weather is so damn awesome today! It’s drizzling, and cold! And it must be breezing like hell at Marine line, so OBVIOUSLY I won’t get a break from work and will be inside the whole day!!!
Neha - There There.
Papa- Tumhari badi dadagiri hai ghar mein haan?
A- Yeh mere BAAP ka ghar hai! Kaun mera kya bigaad lega!?
Papa- :/
A- heheheehhe. *runs inside*
A- (at 2 pm) Dude there is a match today, aaj office ke baad let’s go to Sports Bar.
(at 7 pm) Yaay, my work is done, I am leaving.
Ismail- Huh? What about the Sports Bar plan?
A- Screw that.
Ismail- Yeh tu soye hue sher ko chimti kaatke bhaaga mat kiya kar!!
A- Dude, how was your paper?
Sooraj- It was bad yeah. It was like getting laid without any feelings.
A - So here’s the joke, Commode mein dekha maine behta hua go.. Commode mein dekha maine behta hua goo.. Goo se yaad aaya, yaar kaisi hai tu?
Haan? Haaan? Funny right!
Neha- :/
Kushi- :/
A- Laugh bitches LAUGH!
Neha- :/
Kushi - F**k off.
A- :(
Ismail - So there, that’s my plan. Now what do you have to say about it Miss ‘I have an opinion on everything’?
A - I am not clear if that’s a good thing when you say it like that.
Ismail - Oh alright, alright, let me put it this way, what do you have to say about it you painfully high opinionated bitch?
A - Hmm. Thanks for clearing that up yeah. But Nice try. Gaah! So I think.. :D
Nimish - Pata hai jab hum dono ki shaadi ho jayegi toh ek din we’ll run into each other and I’ll ask you, yeh Navratna tel kiske liye hain? And you will reply, for my husband, he has suddenly gone bald after our marriage.
A - Hmm.. Aur main bolungi, chuck that yeah, tu bata, bhabhi kaisi hain? And you will reply, She is in Coma.
Both- :/
Kushi- Dude, I saw this TV sky ad today. Lol Lol. It was dubbed in Hindi. It goes like this.
“Hi! Mera naam hai Randy”
Nimish, Sneha, Me - *Paaahahahahahahahahahahhahaha*
A - I got a new system!! 21” screen, 500 GB internal memory, 4GB Ram, core to duo processor, Graphic card, wireless mouse and keyboard. Yaay!
Siddharth - Great. Ab nariyal phod uspe.
*phone rings*
A- Hello?
D**** - Hey, D**** here, Ismail said you wanted me to call you..
(Now, FYI, this fellow, I am just going to call him D, is Ismail’s friend and he is an A**HOLE. Male chauvinist pig, passes comments on girls, and all that he can talk about is money. In short, perfect e.g. of a guy that I LOATHE. Like if someone asks me, what category of guys make you want to throw up?, I will say the D category.)
- Next day-
Ismail - Hey.. You got a hard board?
A- Yeah, that’s for you, save your face! You are about to feel some pain!
Ismail - What, why?
A - So D called, said you told him I wanted him to call me, also, that I couldn’t STOP talking about him and his BODY after we met. He asked me if I maybe wanted to go out with him sometime.
Ismail - *rofl* I was really bored. :D
*multiple punches*
A- You-son-of-a-!
A- Yo! Got to hear this at work today, inside news, Ranbir and Deepika broke up.
Kushi- Yeah, I knew about it.
A- Huh? You did?!
Kushi - Yeah, I met Ranbir yesterday, he was telling me, I can’t do without you Kushi, I am madly in love with you..I can leave the world for you.. Yeh ladka bhi na. Tch”.
A- :/
Kushi- :D
Anurag - I wrote a short story, you want to hear?
A - No.
Anurag- It’s called, ‘If pigs could fly’
A- Wait What! *rofl*
A - Papa, I have to go out, thode paise do na.
Papa - Yeh lo paanch rupaye, jaao aish karo.
A - :/
Papa - :D
A - :/
Papa - :D
A -:/
Papa - Oh alright! How much do you need?
A - You know what, I am not gonna speak with you now.
Ismail - Haha, Yes!
(after five minues)
Ismail - Okay, enough already. Talk now.
I will let you punch me and I won’t punch you back.
I will do your work..
(long breath) I will listen to your jokes, and Laugh.
A - Yeah, so I was saying.. :D
A- I will ride this Damn bike today come what may!!!
Rohan - Please god, please get me out of this alive.
A- Sunny, I am a girl! Give me some credit!
Sunny- No you are not! You are just the gayest guy ever!
Ismail - So you think she likes me?
A - Dude, yeah! She was all Over you! She was like the moss and you were the stone!
Ismail - You are sick. BTW, I know she likes me, I wanted you to see how she gets all over me. Hehehe.
A - It’s funny when you call ME sick.
Ismail (Super duper high) - Dude, I wrote a song for you, long time back actually, never really got around to singing it out loud.
A - Awww.....
Ismail - Its called, 'The bitch drives me crazy'
A - :|
So I heard this song called "Just the way you are" by Bruno Mars.
Nice Song, BTW. Not the type I usually listen to, but nice nonetheless.
You can watch it here:
Anyway, the first thought in my head was, "What if he was dating Amy Winehouse? Would he still be singing this song?"
Excerpts from the lyrics:
'Oh, her eyes, her eyes, make the stars look like they're not shining
Her hair, her hair, falls perfectly without her trying
She's so beautiful, and I tell her every day..'

'Her lips, her lips, I could kiss them all day if she let me'
'And when you smile, the whole world stops and stares for a while'
(This might actually apply, for all the wrong reasons of course)

See my point?
Nice Song, BTW. Not the type I usually listen to, but nice nonetheless.
You can watch it here:
Anyway, the first thought in my head was, "What if he was dating Amy Winehouse? Would he still be singing this song?"
Excerpts from the lyrics:
'Oh, her eyes, her eyes, make the stars look like they're not shining
Her hair, her hair, falls perfectly without her trying
She's so beautiful, and I tell her every day..'
'Her lips, her lips, I could kiss them all day if she let me'
'And when you smile, the whole world stops and stares for a while'
(This might actually apply, for all the wrong reasons of course)
See my point?
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Someone here asked me to put up my sketching/drawing or whatever it is that I do. So here you go.
Oh, these should be credited to extremely boring lectures.
There are lots more, will put them up later. Right now, I need to get back to Economics.
Note to self - Must. Study. Now.
Oh, these should be credited to extremely boring lectures.
There are lots more, will put them up later. Right now, I need to get back to Economics.
Note to self - Must. Study. Now.
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